Forum Guidelines
The Stonybrook Neighborhoood Association (SNA) online forum was created to help connect neighbors, enabling them to share relevant information with each other easily and efficiently.
The forum is not meant to replace emails sent from the SNA Steering Committee and will not be used for official organization communications. It also is not meant to replace regular face-to-face meetings where official SNA business is conducted. Rather, it complements these other ways of communicating by making it possible for neighbors to talk to each other directly.
Access to the SNA online forum is limited to residents or property owners in the Stonybrook neighborhood of Jamaica Plain, MA. The Stonybrook neighborhood is made up of the following streets: Brookley, Rossmore, Williams, Gartland, Kenton, Shurland, Dungarven, Stedman, Plainfield, Meehan, Stonley, Lotus, Burnett, and neighboring portions of Forest Hills and Washington Streets.
By signing up to be a user, you agree to the following guidelines and to help cultivate the neighborly atmosphere of the forum.
General Guidelines
We operate under the assumption that each person is well intentioned and wants the best for the neighborhood. We expect that users will treat each other as you would the people who live next door and pass you in the street every day, rather than as just faceless users in cyberspace.
Be respectful. We are reasonably diverse in terms of race, class, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, political beliefs, age, and so forth. Consider how your post might sound to someone with a different opinion than your own, and err on the side of politeness. That doesn't mean you shouldn't share your opinion, but do so in a way that is respectful to all.
Do not share users' email addresses with those outside the group. Additionally, the identity of posters should remain confidential when discussing topics from this forum with people outside the group. Directly quoting posts, with or without usernames or actual names, to non-members or to the press without the explicit permission of the writer is not allowed.
Best Practices
Forum Moderation
The SNA Forum is moderated by volunteers from the neighborhood and at least one member of the SNA Steering Committee. In general, we assume an honor system is in place for respectful posting and moderators will not be “approving” posts. However, a significant violation of guidelines outlined above is grounds for removal from the SNA forum at the discretion of the moderators.
If you have any further questions, comments, concerns please feel free to email [email protected].
Updated: March 2016
The forum is not meant to replace emails sent from the SNA Steering Committee and will not be used for official organization communications. It also is not meant to replace regular face-to-face meetings where official SNA business is conducted. Rather, it complements these other ways of communicating by making it possible for neighbors to talk to each other directly.
Access to the SNA online forum is limited to residents or property owners in the Stonybrook neighborhood of Jamaica Plain, MA. The Stonybrook neighborhood is made up of the following streets: Brookley, Rossmore, Williams, Gartland, Kenton, Shurland, Dungarven, Stedman, Plainfield, Meehan, Stonley, Lotus, Burnett, and neighboring portions of Forest Hills and Washington Streets.
By signing up to be a user, you agree to the following guidelines and to help cultivate the neighborly atmosphere of the forum.
General Guidelines
We operate under the assumption that each person is well intentioned and wants the best for the neighborhood. We expect that users will treat each other as you would the people who live next door and pass you in the street every day, rather than as just faceless users in cyberspace.
Be respectful. We are reasonably diverse in terms of race, class, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, political beliefs, age, and so forth. Consider how your post might sound to someone with a different opinion than your own, and err on the side of politeness. That doesn't mean you shouldn't share your opinion, but do so in a way that is respectful to all.
Do not share users' email addresses with those outside the group. Additionally, the identity of posters should remain confidential when discussing topics from this forum with people outside the group. Directly quoting posts, with or without usernames or actual names, to non-members or to the press without the explicit permission of the writer is not allowed.
Best Practices
- Please include some form of your real name in your post, since the goal of this forum is to encourage neighbors to get to know each other. In general, it’s helpful to sign your posts with at least your first name and preferable with your entire name, as well as any other information you might think will help people get to know you offline (street or house number, for example).
- We encourage new users to introduce themselves when joining or posting for the first time.
- Avoid using ALL CAPS, since this is usually considered shouting in online writing. Likewise, try to avoid multiple exclamation points, since it suggests shouting as well.
- Be mindful that sarcasm and irony can easily be taken the wrong way without the help of tone of voice and body language. Not everyone has met in person, so don’t assume that others will understand your quirky personality or dark humor.
Forum Moderation
The SNA Forum is moderated by volunteers from the neighborhood and at least one member of the SNA Steering Committee. In general, we assume an honor system is in place for respectful posting and moderators will not be “approving” posts. However, a significant violation of guidelines outlined above is grounds for removal from the SNA forum at the discretion of the moderators.
If you have any further questions, comments, concerns please feel free to email [email protected].
Updated: March 2016